Admission Process 2022-1

When to Apply

M.Sc and Ph.D. programs: from 05/10/2020 to 25/10/2021.
Recommendation letters due: 26/10/2021.

How to Apply

Online application form: Master Program or Ph.D. Program.

The following documents must be attached to the online form:

  • ID Photo;
  • Undergraduate Transcripts and Diplomas; when available, M.Sc. Transcripts and diplomas (all in a single PDF file);
  • Questionnaire for Master (GDOC) or Ph.D (GDOC) completed.
  • Self-declaration for candidates from racial minorities (GDOC) or indigenous descendance (GDOC).

Reference letter templates: in Portuguese (DOCX or PDF), English (DOCX or PDF), or Spanish (DOCX or PDF). The applicant must ask the recommenders to send their recommendation letters to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 26/10/2021.


If accepted, when starting the program, applicants will be asked to provide:

  • Copies of their passport and CPF (Brazilian Tax ID, to be obtained right after arriving in Brazil)
  • Registered diplomas (or documents which prove the corresponding program's conclusion; however, the diploma itself must be presented up to 60 days after registration).

Academic transcripts and diplomas must be apostilled or certified by the Brazilian Consulate Authority in the country where they were issued up to 90 days after registration.

How the Process Works

An Admission Committee evaluates and ranks the applicants, according to the rules in the official public notice.

Public Notice

Check the official notice (Portuguese only) for our admission process.